STAR WARS The Clone Wars is a fast paced, computer animated series that in 22 minutes tells complex stories with great characterizations,story telling and rapid plot development. The special affects are stunning and you can not believe that an episode has ended.
The series was produced by Lucasfilm Animation and created by George Lucas, It premiered on the Cartoon Network in 2008. Disney obtained the rights and has produced The Final Season.
The series fills the void between The Rise of The Clones Episode 2 and what happens leading to Anikin's fall to the darkside in The Revenge of The Sith Episode 3.
We have the opportunity to see more deeply the struggle that was raging in Anakin,(Matt Lanter) how he was trying to train his Padawan Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein) to be more in balance and yet she was learning some of Anakin's more dangerous habits.
We have the opportunity to see Anakin,Ahsoka,Obi Wan,Mace Windu and Senator Amadalla among others work independantly as well as mixed teams. Giving them a chance to develop much more deeply.
In an episode in season 3 Ahsoka and Padmae Anadaalla and Ahsoka go on a mission to meet with a friend of Padmae's who is a seperest,the enemy of the republic. Ahsoka sees first hand how similar the people of the Separiast are to those of the Republic. when they return at the end of this first part of a two part episode, Anakin warns Ahsoka she had gone too far and stepped over the line.
The episodes are complex and make one think about not just what is happening in the episode but how things in this world are not so black and white.
The whole series is available on Disney Plus.
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